Blu-ray Player Version 1.11 Available

The new version of the blu-ray firmware (version 1.11) is available. Thanks for hanging in there while we got it ready.

Follow these instructions to update your player:

  1. Turn on the player
  2. Press the setup button (this will bring up the setup screen)
  3. Navigate to System > Upgrade > Network and press the OK button
  4. You should see a message that says “CURR:12470, SERVER:12480 continue upgrade?”. Press the OK button to continue*. (See note below)
  5. The player will download the software and then give a message “front end file found,version:. UPGRADE?” Press the OK button to continue.
  6. Another message will appear saying “An upgrade file has been found! Start Upgrading with version?”. Press the OK button to continue.
  7. The new software will be installed and the player will reboot.
  8. Upon reboot you will be prompted to go through the Setup Wizard.

A couple of notes about this update:

  • When you navigate to the ClearPlay menu you will be prompted for a 4 digit pin. Unless you’ve already set a pin value, the default is four zeros (0000). If you’d like to change it go to Security > Change Password.
  • We’ve found that the WIFI connection can be unstable. If possible use an ethernet connection.
  • You can confirm that you have the correct version of the software (1.11)  going to the set up menu and then pressing the left navigation button. You should see it say “Software Version     BD-Clearplay V1.11”

* NOTE: If at step 4 you get a message that says “Invalid Upgrade File!” this means that your player isn’t connected to the internet (I know what you’re thinking . . . why doesn’t the message just say that . . . we’re working on that 🙂 . . .). This is likely caused by the unstable wifi connection. To make sure your player can connect to the internet use an ethernet connection by:

  1. Plugging an ethernet cable from your router or modem to the player.
  2. Go to Setup > Network > Interface and choose “Ethernet”
  3. Reboot your player.

107 thoughts on “Blu-ray Player Version 1.11 Available

  1. Just loaded the new firmware via wireless successfully. Running The Hobbitt BR w/filtering selected. All looks good so far! Thanks!!

    Bob Davenport

  2. “We’ve found that the WIFI connection can be unstable. If possible use an ethernet connection.” Two questions on this:

    1) Do you mean for the update you recommend we use Ethernet over WiFi?

    2) Is the instability of the WiFi fixed with this release or in a future release?

    • Hi Russ, yes for (1) the recommendation is to use ethernet if you get an error trying to download the upgrade. For (2) the wifi instability is not fixed in this release but will be in a future release.

  3. Thanks for the update! As an interface designer and tester and I know how hard these are to get out so much appreciated! Update is installed and big improvements… having some trouble getting the chapter buttons and rewind/forward buttons to work. Is that a problem you’ve noticed or any possible solutions?

    Thanks again!

    • Hi Nathan, thanks for the encouragement. It’s definitely been a challenge. We decided to disable the rewind/forward and chapter buttons in this release because we have been finding that using them throws off the timing of the filtering. We’re working on a fix for it now and are planning on re-enabling them as soon as we have it fixed.

      • No problem–makes sense. We experienced the “looping” at one spot while watching World Trade Center tonight (DVD around 1:10:20), but sounds like what you explained to Michael. No big deal–I easily stopped and resumed so it started up again fine. Thanks again for the work and hope you get some shuteye regardless of how many messages all us b-testers keep firing your way!

  4. Hello Scott. I’m actually running into a few issues. They are as follows:

    1.) At times when my Blu Ray skips a scene. It gets stuck and just continues to loop the same portion of the movie without moving forward to the next scene. Before I was able to fast forward or rewind so I can force the player to move along but now after the recent software update. I can’t anymore.

    2.) I recently tried to watch Game of Thrones season 3 on my blu ray player and it seems to be able to edit scenes and cut out language. However half through episode 3, it just stops editing and everything is shown (curses, nudity, etc.).

    Do I have a defecting Blu-Ray player. I tried contacting the tech division and keep getting connected to Dorothy who recently no longer replies to my emails anymore. I have been a faithful clearplay client and would appreciate help in this.

    • Hi Michael, thanks for being in our beta group and thanks for being a longstanding ClearPlay customer. We value you and your feedback.

      We are consistently finding that the timing for several DVD’s is off but for Blu-ray discs the timing is accurate most of the time. I’m betting that’s what you’re seeing with Game of Thrones. We have the development team working on that as their highest priority.

      Part of fixing filter timing for DVDs will also be to fix fast forward, rewind, and chapter skipping. The two problems are linked. We decided to disable them in this release because using them causes the timing for filtering to be off.

      As we continue to upgrade the software you will see improvements reflected in the player. Thanks for being patient and for the feedback. Keep it coming!

      • Hi Scott. So with the looping issue is there a fix? Unfortunately since it keeps looping and since I have no rewind/fast for war function it has rendered watching filtered movies useless. Also with the issue with watching Game of Thrones is there an immediately fix?

        If there isn’t a resolution for the mentioned issues. How soon can there be a resolution?

      • Hi Michael, try pausing an un-pausing when it gets into a loop. Sometimes this will work. You may have to try it several times. We’re working on a resolution to this now. We still have some analysis to do but we’re shooting for 2 – 4 weeks to have it fixed.

  5. Since getting my blue-ray player, I haven’t been able to get a movie to work. Neither Hobbitt Desolation of Smaug (from RedBox) or Avengers (borrowed from friend). Hope this upgrade corrects the problem.

  6. Still can’t use any arrows to navigate to the ‘Home’ button on my remote. Pressing ‘Setup’ seems to perform that function–but was that intentional?

  7. Thanks for the update. I definitely noticed the setup menu functions much smoother than it did before. Chapter and RW/FF controls will be nice once you get the bugs ironed out. I did work with the pop-up disc menu which works nicely. Plus it gives the ability to jump around the disc a little without needing to go to the main menu.

  8. A few problems I’ve encountered:
    1. My player isn’t turning off without unplugging it.
    2. When I load a movie it doesn’t find the filter at first. I have to power cycle it by unplugging 1-3 times before filter is recognized. I have had to do this with 300 Rise of an Empire DVD (redbox), Homefront Blu Ray (redbox), Sabotage DVD (redbox) and The Grand Budapest Hotel DVD (purchased from store). So far after the power cycles I was able to get it to recognize 300 and homefront. I have not tried the others more than once yet.

    • Thanks Jon, I appreciate the feedback, This is very helpful. I’m gathering all of the know issues now and I’ll publish that to the blog along with the status. I’ll include these two.

    • Update: I was able to get the filters at least loaded for all the above movies. It took a random combination of power cycling, putting filter stick in and out, starting the player with filter stick in and no movie then insert movie disc after player is on and filter stick is loaded. I know that is much of a help but I couldn’t figure out a consistent method.
      The filter loaded for homefront blu ray but the movie wouldn’t load past the first trailer. It also wouldn’t play in normal mode w/ out filtering.
      The movie sabotage loaded the filter but was consistently off on the filtering allowing language through. This happened without any skipping in the movie. I was able to correct it by pausing the movie and hitting play again. About 15 min. into the movie it got caught on the scene looping bug and unlike previous dvd’s I couldn’t get it to stop. I tried stopping the movie and pausing it but nothing would stop the loop.
      So in the end I was able to get The Grand Budapest Hotel and 300: Rise of an Empire DVD’s loaded and working with custom filtering. 300 had a looping scene around 1 hour 10 min but the pause and play fix was able to work.

  9. Ver. 1.11 seems to have affected wifi on my player. I get a “Dongle not plugged in” error. It was working before the update. (That’s how I downloaded the update). Also, “Elysium” bluray is detected as “Olympus has fallen”.

    • Hi Don, we’re taking a look at the wifi connection now. Thanks for reporting this. It looks like anytime the connection is reset that “Dongle not plugged in!” error happens. There are a couple of options right now until we get it fixed. You can power down the player and power down your wireless router and then you should be able to have the WIFI connection work again. Or you can use an ethernet connection.

      We’re also taking a look at the mismatched filter. I’ll let you know what we find.

  10. I’m still having the player freeze to the point where I had to unplug it.

    Do you have a list of what was fixed in this release and list of known issues that are still outstanding? For example, the FF and RW and chapter skip being disabled in this release due to the timing issues you’re still working on.

    It would probably help all of us on the Beta to know what issues you have fixed and are aware of.

    Also what is the best way to submit a bug? Is there an email address we can send them to?

    • Hi Russ, can you tell me what movie you were watching . . . and the format (DVD or blu-ray)?

      Here’s a link to what features/bugs are fixed in this upgrade ().

      We’re actively working on enabling the FF/RW and Chapter skipping. Using them throws off the timing of the filters so we ended up dialing them for now.

      Nice idea on the list of known defects . . . I’m gathering a list now and will be publishing it to the blog soon.

      The best way to submit a bug is here on the blog. Thanks for being in the beta group!

  11. I’m still having problems with it finding the Blu Ray filter for Divergent. It finds the DVD version just fine, but I always get No ClearPlay Filter loaded for this movie, I’ve downloaded the latest filters. It says Filters updated on 9/10/2014. I’ve tried resetting the player to see if it would sync up, but no luck. I’m also having problems shutting down the player. It will seem to hang when it goes to shutdown and I end up having to unplug the player.

  12. Hi again Scott,

    Tried to watch “Windtalkers” on DVD from Netflix last night. The player said the filter was loaded (this was before I updated the player) and I played the disc from the beginning with no skipping or fast forwarding but there was apparently no filtering going on (graphic violence and language in the second chapter). I updated the player and selected the second scene again from the chapter menu but it played the same as before. I did have violence and bloodshed filtering turned off after the update but usually a lot of graphic violence had been filtered on movies regardless of setting on my previous Clearplay DVD player, and there was no filtering of that or the “G.D.” in the dialogue (had blasphemy switched to one notch away from strongest filtering). I wish now that I would have experimented a little more with the filter settings before sending the disc back today, but the filtering seemed to be completely non-operational in that scene so I stopped the movie.

    Something else… the Blu-ray player menu screens show an “Enter” button at the bottom of at least some of them. I looked for an “Enter” button on my remote but it was a while before I finally tried the “OK” button, which worked.

    Also, I’ve had a problem at times (like one or more others here) of filters not loading the first time a disc is inserted, but each time when I’ve cycled the disc tray, the filter has loaded.

    Keep up the good work!

  13. I followed the instructions and performed the upgrade. When I went through Set-up Wizard at the end, it wouldn’t let me even try to do a wireless set up. Said my dongle wasn’t plugged in, which is odd, since you wouldn’t use a dongle for a wireless connection.

    Good new is the two movies I popped in to test recognized filters very quickly, but when I went to play them, none of the rev or ff buttons work. Pause and play work, but I only get the red circle with line through it.

    Prior to this upgrade, my wireless worked fine and rev and ff worked fine.

  14. Update went smoothly. Modified my filter settings and we watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (DVD) and we noticed a couple of the issues that have already been mentioned, such as the language muting being very shortly delayed (i.e., hearing the first letter/sound of a word) and we had one scene being clipped get in a repeat loop but it only repeated 3 times and then moved on. Excited for continued progress!

  15. Friday Night 9/12/2014

    Update went very smoothly. The movie we watched afterwards was Star Trek “Into Darkness”(DVD). The filter was found and loaded, and the movie began to play instantly. I was actually impressed as my last clear play player died a very slow death (we would wait for 15 – 30 minutes for a movie to load). Things were going well until the 1:13:34 when the player got stuck into a scene loop repeat. We stopped the player and tried to restart but it would get stuck in the same loop. We powered down the player via unplug as it would not turn off via the power button. Once plugged back in, the filter stick would no longer find the movie filter. After unplugging and replugging several times as the power button would no longer function, we gave up trying.


  16. I’ve also had issues with the no rewind/ ffw function. The player made me sit through every preview/trailer before the movie, and wouldn’t even let me skip to the menu. No button seemed to have any effect on it.

    There have been issues with the player freezing pretty frequently, and I can’t even turn it off by pressing the button on the face of the player. The only workaround is to unplug it and plug it back in.

    Wish I could say I’ve had a chance to try using the player at any length, but none of the movies I’m interested in filtering have filters available yet; is there any way to request a fast-track on any blu-ray filters (e.g., The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Gone Baby Gone, Moon, RED, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford…)? I understand that it will take a while to get the library expanded and fully appreciate that you guys are working as hard as you can on it; but I won’t be able to test it much or offer more feedback without movies to actually filter on it. I’ll be waiting patiently.

    As for movies that do have filters, Noah is purported to have a blu-ray filter, but I was unable to get it to load.

    • I just read that you guys disabled the ffw/rew functionality. Forget my earlier comment.

      Another comment: with Clearplay DVD players in the past, you wouldn’t be able to begin playback of a movie if there was no filter and you had Clearplay filtering selected. You’d have to select normal playback, so that you’d know you were operating without filtering. With this player, I can still click on “Clearplay” and it will begin to play the movie, even though there is no filter for the movie. Will that feature be included in later updates?

      • Hi Luke, yes that will be fixed. Additionally there will be an indication on the screen when playback begins that will let you know that filtering is on.

      • Also, you may have tried this but if you press the “Disc Menu” button it will let you skip past trailers and commercials if the disc will allow it.

  17. Scott, last night and today my player froze up about 3 or 4 times and I couldn’t power it off and had to unplug it and plug it back in before it responded. One of the times (I think the first time) my TV said “no signal” until after I unplugged it and plugged it back in.

      • Sorry, I missed your earlier posts. Also, good information. The “setup” button is the only way to exit the setup menu.

        Another defect that I’ve seen occurs when trying to switch between ClearPlay and Normal modes. Basically whatever mode you select when you turn on the player is the mode that it stays on regardless of what you select the next time. You have to power down the player to be able to select the other mode. That may explain what you saw with WindTalkers.

        As you saw “enter” on the player means the “ok” button. One of the updates we’ll be making is to correct all of the grammatical and mismatches in the player onscreen messages and the remote.

        I appreciate all of the feedback. Thanks for your patience!

  18. I have the same issues as the filtering being off. Watched Captain America Winter Soldier from Netflix, it would filter the word after the curse word. Thanks!

      • No my home network is wireless only. I unplugged it and plugged back in. The last update worked just fine but this one its not responding. It’s a no go on the Upgrade still getting an error message (No valid id file found!) I do not have a disc in either. What other options should I try.

      • Hi Logan, there is a way for you to update it manually. Follow these steps:

        1. Download the file from this url:
        2. Put it onto a USB stick in a folder named UPG. (Note the UPG folder should be in the root directory of the USB stick)
        3. Insert the USB stick into the player and navigate to System > Upgrade > USB Storage and press OK on the remote.
        4. The player will find the new firmware and will ask you to install it. Follow the prompts.
        5. The player will reboot and you will be guided through the Setup Wizard

      • Hey, Scott step 1. Download from this URL: ?????? there is no link for a PC version. Don’t understand Step 2 either? I actually tried moving the Player closer to the signal source hoping this would help but nothing happened.

  19. I have also have had issues where the movie will freeze, with the filters on or not, since the update. There have also been times where it won’t turn off or back on without me unplugging it and plugging it in again. The freezing has happened on the DVD format and it has happened with wreck it ralph and some baby einstein videos.

    • Hi Stephen, have you noticed the player freezing during playback of movies or just when the player has been idle for awhile (or in both cases)? Thanks for the feedback!

  20. So when the player is left for awhile and goes in to sleep mode when paused or stopped, it requires a power cycle before anything works again. Don’t know if anyone else has this issue.

  21. We have just received the player and uploaded the upgrade. We have noticed a couple things with the player itself. I’m not sure what all the known issues are, but we have noticed that the player freezes frequently. Power doesn’t even work on the machine itself. The other one was that the machine doesn’t load the filter the first time…it has to be reloaded. When we tried to watch Source Code, it never was able to find the filter. On a positive note, we watched C.A.2-Winter Soldier and when the language was edited, it did not edit the entire sentence, just the offensive language…that was awesome!! Such an improvement from the DVD players 🙂 Keep up the good work!!

  22. I was able to play a bluray with filter if i open and close the tray a couple times but as others stated the player freezes it happened at diffrent times when i turn on the player , if i pause it for a while, after a movie.

      • I am having similar problems to these as well. The only way to turn off the player after turning it on is by unplugging it. If it goes to sleep mode, I have to unplug it. My remote seems to work sometimes, and then sometimes not. I put the filter stick in and sometime it works and sometimes not. I just tried with Captain America 2 and it read the filter stick but couldn’t find the filter (latest downloaded filters).

      • Thanks Bruce. I appreciate the feedback. We think that the remote not responding is because of a process going on in the background during the player start up sequence. We’re looking into it to find out though.

  23. I have not been able to play a bluray movie with filters. I have made all the updates and I have followed all of the blog’s suggestions. Is it possible that my player has a defect. I noticed most say they have been able to see a bluray movie.

  24. Hey Scott,
    I was able to watch The Dark Knight via blue ray disc with no problems. Keep up all the good work. One quick question / comment. How can one tell from the display button if filtering is turned on? I see tons of information, but can’t tell if the CPF is on or off.
    Thanks again for all the efforts!

    • Scott, I’ve been wondering the same thing. Your older models show if the filtering is really on or not. In the past (on an older model) I sometimes would select to filter, but it wouldn’t really turn on and the only way to tell was by hitting “display” on the remote.

    • Hi Raymond, thanks for letting me know about watching Dark Knight on blu-ray. Right now there is no indication on the player that will tell you that filtering is turned on. However look for this in one of the next updates. It will be in the same place you looked and it will say “ClearPlay Filtering: ON” or “ClearPlay Filtering: OFF”.

  25. Looks like everyone is having the same problem with having to unplug the player to get it to shut off. The movies that I own and have tried (not Blu-ray) pick up right away with filters. I have rented 3 movies from Redbox (all Blu-ray) and none of them have picked up a filter even though the website says they should be filtered. Is this a Redbox issue? I was hoping to preview a movie before I actually bought it. I hope this will not work for only store bought movies. Any insight?

    • There are actually several version of disks that exist (Redbox, Netflix, Wal-mart, Target, etc . . .). We’re checking right now to make sure that we have all of the disc versions in our database or if there is a problem with the player detecting the version. For now try a combination of opening and closing the tray several times or powering on/off the player to see if the disc will be recognized. We’ll provide more information too as we continue to debug the problem.

      • Tech support has helped me with this before. They need a certain disc code to be in their filter repository to tie it to the movie and, like Scott said, there are soo many different disc versions sometimes. When I talked to them, they had me look up the disc code (I don’t think that is possible yet on the Blu-ray player) and they sent me a special version of the filter to make sure that it worked properly (i.e., filtering occurred at the proper time) and then they can add it to the filter repository so your disc is recognized.

  26. Hey Scott,
    I was able to successfully watch “Captain America” (BR) with my custom clear play settings. The muting of language occurred in the correct places and there were not any misses. There were no scene hangs nor freezes. Thanks for all the continued efforts.

  27. These are the issues we’ve had since upgrading to V1.11
    1. Player will not turn off with the power button or with the remote power button. Have to unplug it get it to turn off.
    2. Ejecting with the Eject button or the remote’s Eject button is either non-responsive at times, takes a long time or requires multiple pushes of the buttons to finally get it to work.
    3. Was watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on Blu-Ray and paused it. Before we could get back to the movie, the pause screen saver kicked in. When we tried to resume, the player was completely frozen. We had to unplug the player to recover.
    4. Tried watching The Amazing Spider Man 2 on DVD, the player said the filter loaded successfully, but when playing with ClearPlay filtering selected the movie played with no filtering.
    5. We’re going to try watching Captain America Winter Soldier this weekend on Blu-Ray with filtering.

    • I’ve now run into the issue twice of a filter being “loaded” and then not having the filter actually work. It happened with The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. As I thought about it, both times, I used the Select Scene feature. I don’t if that is related at all to the FF/RW bugs with the filter being off, but it appears that selecting the scene also gets the filter off or doesn’t end up loading it at all.

      • Great info! I think you’re right about it being related to the FF/RW bug. I added that to the list and we’ll have the dev team look at while they’re working on FF/RW.

  28. The Heat (dvd) and Sabotage (dvd) both have looping issues. Also language filter timing is a little late sometimes on The Heat. (Is this type of feedback helpful?)

    • Hi Don, this is great. I use this feedback to give to the DEV team as they look into the problem. So the specific movie and formats are nice. It would also help if you could give the time in the movie that you see a problem.

  29. A few issues related to the parental control interface (movies blocked according to rating):

    1. The player correctly blocks certain movies based on rating (The Last Castle-R, Bourne Ultimatum-PG-13, The Patriot-R) but others are not blocked and just start playing normally with or without clearplay selected (Analyze This-R, The Bucket List-PG-13). When these movies are inserted, the system message reads “Blocked because of Rating” so it correctly identifies the rating, but the movie still plays anyway (is not blocked). I tested these with the ratings set on G or PG.

    2. Even when movies are correctly blocked, the blocking behaves differently. Some produce the “Do you want to override parental controls?” menu while some just freeze on a black screen (The Patriot-R or First Knight-PG-13 for example).

    3. In the parental control settings, the ratings listed are: KID SAFE, G PG, PG-13, R, R, NC-17, ADULT (R is on there twice—setting it to the first R behaves like PG-13)

    4. A more minor interface snafu, when a correctly blocked DVD is inserted with a blocked rating, the ““Override parental controls?” appears. When yes is selected, the four digit passcode window pops up, however after typing in all four digits, nothing happens (it’s waiting for you to push enter/OK). In all other situations, typing the fourth digit automatically closes the window (without pressing enter/OK). When this happens the the player appears “frozen” because it’s sitting there waiting for you to push enter.

    Of course these are lower priority than the timing and filter issues, but just thought I’d get them out there. The progress so far is exciting and looking forward to more in the days ahead!

  30. I too have a list of issues, mostly already touched on in the blog. These include the following:
    1) When the player is left idle, not watching a movie, the player will not turn on or off. It will not function from the remote or on the player itself.
    2) The first update went well without any problems, including the wireless signal recognition. The second update downloaded well and the player rebooted without difficulty. The internet connection after this “failed” and the error message stated no “dongle” found. I read the blog about the USB updating and will certainly do this for the next upgrade. The problem I have here however is that the website to go to was not listed. Scott can you post this website again (as there was another person needing it in the blog as well). Thanks!

  31. Hey Scott,
    There are times when we get the “filter stick inserted filter not found” for a movie (DVD). Per the website there is a filter for the movie. In order to find the filter I have to unplug the unit as the power button does not always operate properly. It can be two or three times of unplugging before the filter is found and loaded for the movie. We were able to successfully watch “Unstoppable” without any language misses. We did hear the “he” portion of “h e x x” a couple of times but we were impressed overall. Thanks again for all the hard work in this technologically challenging effort. Warmest regards,


  32. I just tried Indiana Jones Raiders of the lost Ark. A little late catching the profanities- first syllable comes out before being muted for the remainder. Playback was otherwise good. No looping issues or unanticipated freezes as others have noted.
    Of course the on/off button on the remote and player does not work. I have had no issues with the disc eject button on the remote or player.
    I hope this helps!

  33. The old clear play players were recognized by Logitech when programming their remotes. What model should be specified for this blu-ray player? Or should another product be selected to get the IR codes correct? Are there a list of codes that need to be “taught” to the remotes?

  34. We watched the BluRay version of CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER on the BluRay player with the 1.11 version.

    1) It found the filter right away and there were no noticeable timing issues with the muting.
    2) When it skipped scenes, it would show the BluRay pop-up menu for a few seconds. I think this has been reported before.
    3) The next day, we tried to watch it again and it took three tries for it to find the filter, this was even after we had watched it filtered the day before. It seems it’s not saving the filters to the player anymore.
    4) The second time watching it, sometimes the pop-up menu would not come up when skipping scenes.

    It worked pretty well except for the pop-up menu and not being able to find the filter right away.

    We still have issues with it turning on and off properly – we have two Clearplay BluRay players and they both do it. We usually have to unplug to get it to behave. It doesn’t seem matter what movie is in it or if we’re using the clearplay filtering or not. We only watched the Captain America on the one player, so I don’t know if the issues I had with the filtering were on both players or not.

    One thing I’ve noticed, when you put in the USB thumb drive, the player stops responding for a bit. If you try to open the player, it won’t do it. Then all of a sudden it will open and close as many times as you hit the eject button. It almost seems like that while the USB is being read, the player stops responding to all input and they go into a queue. I’ve seen this behavior on both players. And it seems that when it doesn’t turn off/on is when it’s been sitting for a day or so. It’s very hard to reproduce, sorry I can’t give better instructions on how to lock it up.

  35. Upgrade was easy. Like having filter options watching tonight to test things out. My only observation so far is my player hates to power up. Both the power button on the player and remote are unresponsive. If I unplug and plug back in it works.

    • Hi Luke, thanks for the feedback. We’ve got that on our list of things to look at it. What you’re seeing is actually the player locking out all the controls while it looks for the latest update. It does that every time the player powers on and takes 30 – 45 seconds (an eternity). We’re looking at a way to optimize that check so that the wait time isn’t so long.

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