Blu-ray Player Conference Call

What has your experience been so far? What bugs have you seen? Do you have questions about the player roadmap? With a couple of weeks under our belt now, we’d like to share with you the latest information on the player as well as answer some of your questions.

Save the Date
When: 8/13/2014 @ 3:00pm MST
Number: (605) 562-3140
Access Code: 609823

Call into the conference line to listen. Ask questions via email. I’ll give an overview of the roadmap, our current status, and answer questions sent via email. I look forward to hearing from you!

5 thoughts on “Blu-ray Player Conference Call

    • Sorry Ken! I lost the date and time When I copied my text up to the editor and formatted it. The date and time is 8/13/2014 @ 3:00pm MST. I’ve updated the post to reflect that.

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