Blu-ray Player Known Issues

Thanks to everyone in the beta group for your great feedback so far! We’re already getting good information on the blu-ray players that will help us to optimize it for a great experience. Here’s a list of the defects that are being found as well as their status.

Defect Description Status Date Fixed
1 Filter Settings Cannot set filter settings (e.g. vulgarity – none, least, medium. most). In Progress TBD
2 Power On Neither disc information (title, rating, etc . . .) nor the filter is found if the disc is in the player when the power is turned on. Open TBD
3 Blu-ray Titles not Found Some filters for blu-ray titles are not found (Lincoln, Riddick). Open TBD
4 Player Restart The player does not restart on it’s own after a firmware upgrade. Open TBD
5 WIFI Password The WIFI password is not kept when the player software is updated. In Progress TBD
6 Fast Forward & Rewind Filtering does not occur during Fast Forward and Rewind. In Progress TBD
7 Sound for Blu-ray Sound does not work with a coaxial cable for blu-ray discs. Open TBD
8 Grammatical Errors Grammatical Errors are found throughout the player menu settings. Open TBD
9 Pauses During Playback When a skip event occurs there is a .5 to 1 second pause during the playback while the player seeks to the end of the event. In Progress TBD
10 WIFI – “No Dongle” Error Sometimes after a software upgrade the player cannot find the WIFI network and this error is presented. The player then is not able to connect to the wireless network. In Progress TBD

55 thoughts on “Blu-ray Player Known Issues

  1. “Cannot set filter settings (e.g. vulgarity – none, least, medium. most).” Does this mean no filters or that they are set to max or something else? Can’t say we can even test the player until we have filters. Player arrives tomorrow.

      • I’ve watched a couple of action movies recently and it seems the violence filter is on low. It seems that if violence is max filtered then I shouldn’t even see a punch. Even if it means I only get half the movie. That’s the point of a “No Violence” filter. Then I can adjust it from there. I adjust this if my 3 year old is watching with me.

      • Hi Devin, thanks for the feedback. Can you give me a timecode when there is a violence event that you think should be filtered? We’ll check and see if it’s the actual filter that is not sensitive enough or if it’s the software settings not working.

  2. Where do I report bugs? During playback the controls on the remote become unresponsive. not only the remote but power and eject stop working too. This is during non-filtered playback. I tried to load the filters for Captain America…which the web site says you have and it could not find them.

    • Thanks Ken! I’ve got it and will incorporate it into our list of defects. One question about the Captain America disc not being recognized. Was the disc already in the player when you powered it on? If so when the disc is not recognized eject the tray and then close it again and it should recognize it.

      • No.. I saw that bug and put the disc in after it was on. Also…is there any plan to allow frame rate control, eventually?

      • OK, thanks for the confirmation. Was the Captain America disc DVD or Blu-ray? Also, we will eventually add frame rate control. Likely when we add Fast Forward and Rewind capabilities.

  3. I see that Captain America is no longer listed a Blu-Ray filter although it once was. The list of filters used to be easy to see (when it was in a searchable list). Now in the tile view it is not. I currently only see 49 Blu-Ray titles and not many that are new for me to Rent…eg. 300: Rise of an not listed. Can you guys provide a running list of titles on the blog…really hard to not have the option to search or view alphabetically.

    • Although we’d like to we aren’t able to put the list of Blu-ray titles in the blog and easily keep it updated. Unfortunately the website is the best source for seeing which Blu-ray titles are available.

  4. I noticed that The Other Woman filter was just released. It was stated previously all new filters as of a few days ago would also have a blu ray release at the same time. Is this not the case anymore? I don’t see a filter for The Other Woman blu ray?

  5. Scott: Previously you stated new releases would include Blu-Ray filters. So far there are only 49 filters and none appear be anything I can get from Redbox or already own. How long before we will see new titles?

    • Hi Ken, we know a deeper list of titles with an emphasis on new releases is paramount for you and other customers. We’re ramping up blu-ray filter production and making that an area of particular emphasis. Look for more titles added in the coming days and weeks.

  6. Upon usb update today trying to load filter for Star Trek Into Darkness, update date shown on screen was 7/32/2014. I tried uploading single filter and it still said no clearplay filter available on the usb drive (and said that the update date was now 8/2/2014 – today is the 1st). I pressed play on the Clearplay setting, and it went ahead and started loading, though I don’t know if it is really using the filters. Thanks

  7. Watched The Avengers last night. Several bad words slipped through and the player was a hair late on filtering out some of the violence. When Loki kills Coulson you see just a bit too much of that scene before it cuts away.

  8. Same problem with Star Trek 2 tonight (an oldie but goldie). We were watching it on DVD and almost every swear word was heard before it muted for the first 3/4 of the movie. By the end it was almost caught up and was muting 90% of the swear words.

  9. Two items to report. The USB stick that came with the player won’t work with the player, even after a hard format. Player will work with another generic USB stick that I have. And my player won’t turn off, neither from the remote nor pushing the power button.

    • The latter is the memory leaked they talked about in the conference call. Even though they said it happens after a while, I have seen it happen in a couple minutes. The workaround for me has been to unplug the player and plug back in.

  10. After the most recent update I again tried to watch a movie (1st Captain America, DVD) with “All Filters”. I wouldn’t find it so I downloaded the individual filter.

  11. Something else I noticed is that the player never sleeps. When I just turned the TV off the player stayed on (with the disk spinning) for two days. I didn’t notice it till it was totally quite in the room.

  12. I have also been having problems loading filters. I downloaded the latest filters last night and also tried doing single filter download. It was Spaceballs and Joe Dirt on DVD. I’ve power cycled the player and also tried reformatting the Flash Drive and redownloading the filters. None seem to fix the issue.

  13. Hey Scott,

    So we recently got the Blu-Ray ClearPlay setup. A couple of things I noticed and direct if I’m just missing something or if it’s a bug. I got the wireless connection setup. Then when I went to download the software updates and clicked on Network (under the update menu), it went back to the opening screen that just said blu-ray on it and stayed on that screen for some time. I never got the option to click on ok to continue the upgrade or to install the firmware upgrade, and while it was on the blu-ray screen, I tried to power off but it wouldn’t, so I unplugged it.


      • Yeah, I tried it again, and it did the same thing with the update. I could plug it in to a ethernet and see if it still does the same thing. I’ll also double check that there isn’t any interference on my network router that I’m connecting to and let you know.

      • I noticed part of the problem was the encryption on my router. Once that was resolved, the above issue was resolved. I haven’t downloaded the new update release yet, but will see if it resolves a couple other things that have already been happening. Sometimes my wife, after unplugging the bluray player several times, there was one particular DVD that it would not open for regardless of what she tried, and it would not play for here. It was almost like it froze on the bluray screen. Also, my Mom was trying it out and she would pause the DVD sometimes, and it would take you back to the main menu to play, it wouldn’t just resume playing where she had paused it.

  14. I have had numerous DVDs hang up at a certain spot. The player won’t let me get past that point. However if I turn off clearplay filtering it will let me see the scene and continue on normally. Also the fast forward and rewind buttons do not work. All I see is a red circle with a line through it. What’s up with that?

    • Hi Mark, right now using fast forward and rewind causes the filter timing to be off so we disable them. The team is working on fixing that bug and when the fix is complete we’ll re-enable fast forward and rewind. Thanks for the feedback!

  15. Just checking to see if the fix is in for fast forward/rewind issues. Also, we just got a new player from the 2014 Christmas batch and whenever I power off the player, I can’t turn it back on unless I unplug and replug the power cord. Any ideas?

    • Phil, thank you for the heads up. Does this happen every time the player is powered on?
      This looks like the freezing issues that other customers have found. We’re taking a look at it now.

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